. . . . . "clozapine" . . . "obsessive-compulsive disorder" . . . . . . "Clozapine is not recommended for OCD due to poor evidence of efficacy [170]. In addition, several case reports and clinical studies support the association of clozapine with worsening or onset of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in patients with a psychotic disorder [171-176]. At least 20% of individuals treated with clozapine (and other antiserotonergic antipsychotics) would experience worsening or emergence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms [177], which are dose-related [178] and generally reversible upon discontinuation of clozapine treatment and switch to a different antipsychotic [179]" . . . . . . . "adults" . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCR9fz0fKCdWOWC+pxhkQhEM/ppbdIYe5TLSdj+lJzSlv9mYBaPgrzVezSwwbmhlHBPDZa4/vHycU315BdmUGq+pXllp9+rWFfrb+kBJwhZjpG6BeyyXBsRFz4jmQVxl/ZYHilQTh/XalYzKkEAyTiEMPee4Kz61PaWOKH24CsnOQIDAQAB" . "IsaYQcqG4/ByvsmkRNQkrMu0GMoGb4jVZthrPRXpM5cR9OM/c6UQsLAFxgyvSCt4etAS1FhW/vR2aRMRbDekxhY7TSTcm+TqJnN7dd/1fa17MeNABon/Nfeb5yNVxNL7TZ1jBNoOuZ+//nXHoyIe+E4OI/gAvJ8sNgrVIxOywHc=" . . "2022-09-16T11:53:42.407140"^^ . . . "2.3.0" .