. . . . . "The IPCHEM metadata fiche, in addition to the general description of the dataset, includes the following specific fields which aim to support its possible reuse: Monitoring reason(s), Sampling method(s), Analytical method(s), Responsible organization (name and PoC), Other Contributors, General Links, Linked resources about the data collection. Future DCAT-AP compliance is to be considered in the context of the CDPC" . . . . "2023-06-30"^^ . "2023-03-01"^^ . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCoKFb7LKlXyBB7BUvjFF9bDJNk0WxH3Xerr4H3v/VCiRVshEDl3BZVekbMMmdRe+TOPyc8AOLd9IAL2VfVVD/T0rmCHk7Pw7DQjI96mwyeXhE7f4g0WG5UT5Pxxm0Rzy7IrYnEaaVDs7dkZUt952M6qWlHfTwCQDcXJhZfLiXoMwIDAQAB" . "SHgldXnnAP7eewd8h47qXcMjnEzof2iw8AC99JCCSts2WpL213KnenMVHI/ARAXeZGThUbwd6Aq+d2y/DF9NvWbd1U3S+ZbeklduYzWqVYNytqpCczJj17gxjh7rT0N/RbfePaNDjQFXQH4Q+XLPezlbiRszoouHcOc3ZSqGqis=" . . "2024-01-22T18:22:24Z"^^ . . . .