. . . . . "Quetiapine" . . . "Bipolar disorder" . . . . . . "When we asked about the long-term treatment of BD, after having excluded from the analyses the 3 SGAs with a European indication for maintenance BD treatment (aripiprazole, olanzapine, and quetiapine), asenapine was considered either “highly appropriate” or “appropriate” by 44.6% of the respondents, while other off-label SGAs (clozapine, paliperidone, risperidone, ziprasidone) were mostly considered inappro- priate for maintenance bipolar treatment" . . . . . . . "Adults" . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCR9fz0fKCdWOWC+pxhkQhEM/ppbdIYe5TLSdj+lJzSlv9mYBaPgrzVezSwwbmhlHBPDZa4/vHycU315BdmUGq+pXllp9+rWFfrb+kBJwhZjpG6BeyyXBsRFz4jmQVxl/ZYHilQTh/XalYzKkEAyTiEMPee4Kz61PaWOKH24CsnOQIDAQAB" . "bEGCe9Y2zrqOV3+ewJI90Z08b10YDbvXuIGxsOSXUmpg2JabO5NQ77t2t0MCkDLx+31xwj5SqDpr4InZh86sTbd0GUw2i7HYSL33yEL9X4aemGWON8QrB3IfzFBI4sBV3LwN1cCNVaGLP6Ip3EvF0PGjL5BicST3qpTXRJKhU2Q=" . . "2022-09-16T11:50:11.825168"^^ . . . "2.3.0" .