. . . . "experimental evidence" . "clinical study evidence" . "author statement" . "curator inference" . "computational inference" . "biological system reconstruction evidence based on inference from background scientific knowledge" . "medical practitioner statement evidence" . "self-reported individual's statement evidence" . "computational evidence" . "was quoted from" . "has evidence type (ECO code)" . . "Adding evidences to an existing nanopublication" . . . . . . . . "This evidence" . . "provide a human-readable description of the evidence here, and how it supports or disputes the association" . . "add the evidence code from the evidence code ontology here" . . . . . . . . . . . "http://data.bioontology.org/search?pagesize=20&apikey=fd451bec-eacd-4519-b972-90fb6c7007cb&ontologies=ECO&q=" . . "add the URL to the source of the evidence here (e.g. DailyMed publication)" . . "search the nanopublication to add an evidence to" . "http://grlc.nanopubs.lod.labs.vu.nl/api/local/local/find_signed_nanopubs_with_text?text=" . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . "2"^^ . . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . "4"^^ . . . . . "5"^^ . "is a" . "asserts that" . "was quoted from" . "Evidence" . "has type of evidence" . "is described by" . "has evidence" . "has id" . "has context" . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCR9fz0fKCdWOWC+pxhkQhEM/ppbdIYe5TLSdj+lJzSlv9mYBaPgrzVezSwwbmhlHBPDZa4/vHycU315BdmUGq+pXllp9+rWFfrb+kBJwhZjpG6BeyyXBsRFz4jmQVxl/ZYHilQTh/XalYzKkEAyTiEMPee4Kz61PaWOKH24CsnOQIDAQAB" . "izS1OkBiZ15IM2t4k+3cSl5VQzf6baJcjjmzlrnoZ0UO6TD/l67uBVWwww1GBQnefZ85bx3pUNv9q5oRMAciPKDoms7t+QcRcttlSTjqp+zI96PULGSz+TZXQl2m8LS2t1G9A5zYL4T2d4n13eIDwDIa0U3744gaGd8bbUEvfqA=" . . "2020-09-08T10:00:00+01:00"^^ . . .