. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "forest ecosystem - An ecosystem which is determined by communities of plants with a tree growth form and in which members of those communities form continuous or discontinuous regions of canopy cover." . "has habitat - x 'has habitat' y if and only if: x is an organism, y is a habitat, and y can sustain and allow the growth of a population of xs." . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCok7z5MsiiQZmqmgOy2MkUm7nUxI25j90EB2f1X6PfdcXr5Pm04N+YiB8t2y2tV9GBO8meaD5nxqbZz/p6OcmMurGyGYkAMccIFSp27JH+t2767DauLP/d8fY9gf8UMMQTorSgCGa+5fdTn8eO9rswgJd7atj3KndCXChaB+DiWQIDAQAB" . "ith4SoxoPLn8nRStj/1Z3VzyvpSfD2obFuOHiDhcQDN8xAJUYoBvHAsRAO132nGTWvZvVLXs7H8MLGsY42aorBE1/NVJ1xXUzAJOmqix3v7iaz+bmvpqZjPywUq3bd1PKXn2ogLUp/wSZDJY//6zV2tKtud4uQUjsjN92WPdNMQ=" . . "2023-12-21T16:41:03.303Z"^^ . . . . . "883D3610-BE9D-4818-AE90-7D729A205190 - has habitat - forest ecosystem" . . . . .