. . . . . "Oxaprozin" . . . "inflammation" . . . "osteoarthritis" . . . "arthritis" . . . "rheumatoid arthritis" . . . "swelling" . . . "joint pain" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2022-10-13T13:52:11.311600"^^ . . " Oxaprozin is used to relieve the inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It also helps relieve the swelling, swelling and stiffness of the joints associated with arthritis. It is also used in the treatment of osteoarritis and rhearoid arthritis in the U.S. and in some cases, it is a form of formative arthritis." . "2.3.0" . "RSA" . "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApdULbl+/+pkVlq0fAzWmzfgIb+XMuQPKHMDVzUTWCZBjLfzORll42ptr52e4w7tTYkUKrBsQbx8lkjZWAlWiyh+xIK0oLFSdYRSt63kgiyRYBUOR+spcgmofb7f6JyftArPVTKhsWOMt/mcyNG9qc3lw8B/xuPmLteUWO33xWhfXQreTw1lsGUkZ1j4cB4X9HIuI20ktLYLCXaBauNHEJZ4qp6/Q2ATsJcw8tg7aRmFKXhrjM9maZ2+0cMg0Jpmn2UnDlPKXEA6Qq+qnvvQt8KFjIzP9FTMyvrWl8tTd0NCmS9VpooZJQ8We1lGMPXg5bMbe/bVkTf70fbFMf0RKrQIDAQAB" . "V+2HvajgnGESuNRsydsHTTPJqGIXN1ywaQ8v5ZRu88kZjxGwEggQVD3HAjVQv7RwwJ1/7Lzz34GXJEM07Nmby3DJ+0fbDUDFf2O+O7yMSWUAt59R3Ij593ugOZYzdT/4zVRStYrMJMJuWYM3vRq3l1FNpt1wzb8udGRW9CPOwUt7T2oJbSN2AbbTH7/zGnCnk4CdHJuOFj0O4zPb0UDCy/zpOpeOWu14vEuBIKGWdUO5602Qvf6WerYJbGDxaVtUTmpzSDIX2WQ6shz+DEJ49x91TpdeJhz7j94FQJMY5uzbcD71/xCtQaBIBzux4ch/0wTDlP8Hh+IG4GkmRo2DUQ==" . . "2022-10-13T13:52:11.311600"^^ . .