. . . . "

Such nanopublications express biology-related relations, such as that a chemical can treat a disease or that a given type of protein interacts with another one.


The relations of this template are based on the Biolink model.

" . . "Expressing a biological relation using Biolink" . "${subj} - ${rel} - ${obj}" . . "Biology" . . . "object of the biological relation" . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/api/select?fieldList=iri,label,description&q=" . . "identifier of biological relation" . . . . . . "subject of the biological relation" . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/api/select?fieldList=iri,label,description&q=" . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCjDGQCS1S+SRnERDuYDXOugdYUP0efEquHJEEHAbU/uLzBVlga89zqrNPCS7fBE6lArBUWEmT8eLKdMapyqvAzI1J3jUWTMhDJF+XFBkUiuiFfNSc4vJJcmi0yujtnuzXsRIG202jyaP4f5ULoskFwaZOSBZJfiE0dsB3D7DTIAQIDAQAB" . "AMjY6+2tyF5ltF8z1HRZmqKjgU00NohdG2pjg3aBa1Y6mG7dc3Avtw0HV1yqs6jlxspUjL9hUivOJ+TkrSCsBAVXTdNzi55Abdr9ra06L8Bw58OBPIRk08Z/zPYknl0eyrq9he9JfSvL1LxuS8+WRm1bo6j7YHN80yFHpDZmqpU=" . . "2023-08-23T12:11:37.052Z"^^ . . . . "Template: Expressing a biological relation using Biolink" . . . . . .