. . . . . "The Open Science framework or (OSF) is an online platform that enables researchers to transparently plan, collect, analyze, and share their work throughout the entire research life cycle. Each tool available on the OSF is specifically designed to promote the integrity of research while supporting researchers' individual comfort levels related to sharing and collaboration." . "OSF | Open Science Framework" . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDU5ITnlc9RmUDLhkh64hYHCEn2qJEFcEAy0sacXHcWrlD+5ABoHryt2PoxSH1VTwALcJvIokCGoWMouHI/d5fL/0v1w0qAqhtFdMAVtpTPzBsqh4uFecucaQ49bRM2173rn2MfVjvG/3I5R7kwIJbu5bFpdUXx7yozenBFbEVRrwIDAQAB" . "uEeOcrpa1brt4cXjpiguliMNr9AhipnRhiOHqE+sD2ILhrP+ndh7c5mhrEISPKyegCXHcup0MGCJJ9NfCzoevUOc5BMKJ7T9ixfHBti7bYnO5x6lm7NKQmY4GoytKXUTnLC18IOlAbF35q00NYBUBE9EshoGmXhhAxwXZ7kWmuU=" . . "2023-11-15T19:12:33.595Z"^^ . . . . . . . .