. . . . . . . . "RMLMapper-SISO outputs a stream of results of the RML annotation process, which should be a stream of datasets. However, the source code of the application appears only to be able to handle outputting RDF graphs. I am not sure whether this is right or not." . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCTHgk4F1Fuj1WT3rb97R451KIDLjCwb0dyVD4BQEii7FqUMNjVsfH2oU19Tvkopmt/OVaOI/7khWR/NtiIhXJTekIZYh9Ccop527GwZVlwtvJT4LGtMrcXNK8E6/6i7HCR2UEMbM1AhzEdo9FOwXyjAgw+qWjo1XNpkXIGfqHEeQIDAQAB" . "QwQAQI2hw8WqGSpoOFGT1rQkvA5VjtXJh3+gp4/0JjI3vsthnLXu0xZwImRNYxJcW0vxSGUWXKC8JfNfVENy9AzigPX7DRNYFM9REogr6uv3f/K7H0DbV4gwFx9by3DJfbTA128ClSAeRO9/XkkCrrXPAlyIkHVdrbAS/NwrfEM=" . . "2023-11-08T13:44:07.887Z"^^ . . . . "RDF dataset stream is used in 978-3-031-19433-7_40" . . . . .