. . . . "has a conflicting meaning with" . "has a consistent meaning with" . "has a different meaning as" . "has a more general meaning than" . "has a more specific meaning than" . "has the non-opposite meaning as" . "has the opposite meaning as" . "has a related meaning as" . "has the same meaning as" . "has a unrelated meaning with" . "is a improved version of" . . "Create a relation between two statements" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The first statement in the form of a AIDA URI." . . "The second statement in the form of a AIDA URI." . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCWuPNlXrLXvDdieFPgneCCu7ExNauuYhHXzebtSsXchN8ZQdj8Nj03110q/s+CK+tQ+omyhjaiMxKsEIr+dLwcpAKNmeHMdXnZH1JjmkMa0KC89BfV+s8JKfGZJv/gmqtLdB6fqRXjEx9s1ExIH+6YIq2FoibxCBdE6ZeIFMNxhwIDAQAB" . "Svv2u3TttdzVZhDqZQDica2E/SUJJc+XBIZlZgfpkkEFnSm9joBdItxA43qYCrTAXWsRWPG4OyZAnWwxKASe1OC5HfniIISj/7sP2fcprpp2Y0JkNR2LImw2gqfdL8yIUev1AZcyUu09VSgBjPgmGSJYjJGHIfYTyMAt7TqCujY=" . . "2021-03-16T21:01:07.137+01:00"^^ . . . . . . .