. . . . "Nederlandse Spoorwegen, often abbreviated as NS, is the principal passenger railway operator in the Netherlands. It was founded in 1938. NS handles most of the country's rail traffic and operates the majority of passenger train services. The NS network includes intercity, local, and international train services. Its vehicles are recognizable by their distinctive blue and yellow colors." . . . "Nederlandse Spoorwegen" . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCszQypWOPgPUr5NfjuiNBC917CfB3qKjt+dytvY88VhOR1xKO0IdPMn28Iyui4D5dUUgMHbTI6ZChkciK/cSGtBcq7cSIkEk+7bwEExn6wue0I9CRS3fqvzjP4ca0rUFktpfxK4uqac6hb9pdCnko4y/qehq+zla/D0wwom0/wrQIDAQAB" . "h+CJK9PuXXyYt1kg0o81WSnThbESf4uxsmlAPiDc8ZNMRNo30fkfX8mkm5pRvlUVz2zTFdv6swLTf6G7KHZsZy2KW1tXxWaKlvAKao/I2mb7sXYqEy/TRV1Vy7A39EtqIq78ckxmdFw2kIHa+diGrhmyLkEzLC0NjrHCqAzc22o=" . . "2023-10-11T20:32:47.549Z"^^ . . . . . "Individual: Nederlandse Spoorwegen" . . . . . .