sub:assertion {
sub:additional rdf:object sub:additionalValue ;
rdf:predicate sub:additionalPredicate ;
rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
a nt:OptionalStatement ,
nt:RepeatableStatement ;
nt:statementOrder "7" .
sub:additionalPredicate a nt:UriPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "any additional property" .
sub:additionalValue a nt:ValuePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "literal / URI" .
sub:assertion dct:description """This template allows you to make annotate external resources (e.g., papers, software, published datasets) with their RDF stream type, according to RDF-STaX. The assertion is subjective and it includes information on who made it (you) and how was it derived from the source material.
More information about RDF-STaX:""" ;
a nt:AssertionTemplate ,
nt:UnlistedTemplate ;
rdfs:label "Annotating RDF stream type with RDF-STaX" ;
nt:hasNanopubLabelPattern "${streamTypeValue} is used in ${targetValue}" ;
nt:hasStatement sub:additional ,
sub:citoRelation ,
sub:class ,
sub:comment ,
sub:creator ,
sub:streamType ,
sub:target ;
nt:hasTargetNanopubType <> .
sub:citoRelation rdf:object sub:targetValue ;
rdf:predicate sub:citoRelationPredicate ;
rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
a nt:OptionalStatement ;
nt:statementOrder "4" .
sub:citoRelationPredicate a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "CiTO relation to specify how the stream type assertion was derived from the target (optional)" ;
nt:possibleValuesFrom <> .
sub:class rdf:object <> ;
rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
a rdf:Statement ;
nt:statementOrder "2" .
sub:comment rdf:object sub:commentValue ;
rdf:predicate rdfs:comment ;
rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
a nt:OptionalStatement ;
nt:statementOrder "6" .
sub:commentValue a nt:LongLiteralPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "comment – anything relevant to explain the assertion" .
sub:creator rdf:object nt:CREATOR ;
rdf:predicate dct:creator ;
rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
nt:statementOrder "1" .
sub:streamType rdf:object sub:streamTypeValue ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
a nt:RepeatableStatement ;
nt:statementOrder "5" .
sub:streamTypeValue a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "RDF stream type" ;
nt:possibleValuesFrom <> .
sub:target rdf:object sub:targetValue ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
a rdf:Statement ;
nt:statementOrder "3" .
sub:targetValue a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "URI of the annotated thing" .
rdfs:label "RDF stream type usage" .
rdfs:label "has stream type" .
rdfs:label "is stream type usage of" .