. . . . . "Nortriptyline" . . . "Migraine (disorder)" . . . . . . "Although antidepressants are not the first-line prophylactic strategy for patients with migraine, several clinical trials have proven their effectiveness in the treatment of migraine and related headache disorders (Koch and Jurgens, 2009). Especially TCAs: amitriptyline (Couch and Hassanein, 1979; Jackson et al., 2010; Kalita et al., 2013) and nortriptyline (Holroyd et al., 2001; Jackson et al., 2010) have the best evidence for use in migraine prevention. When amitriptyline is not tolerated by patients, treatment is continued with nortriptyline (Burch, 2019)." . . . . . . . "Adults" . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCR9fz0fKCdWOWC+pxhkQhEM/ppbdIYe5TLSdj+lJzSlv9mYBaPgrzVezSwwbmhlHBPDZa4/vHycU315BdmUGq+pXllp9+rWFfrb+kBJwhZjpG6BeyyXBsRFz4jmQVxl/ZYHilQTh/XalYzKkEAyTiEMPee4Kz61PaWOKH24CsnOQIDAQAB" . "WDU8Md7fxzgBpkzDV753+0oW02Pg654pxXTHQUuSzslYR+sqXZJrr2159QyAbwPHaoCSrmgeM83D81ARdnn4MeD0lM2mnDlYWvWWycRzLHVOl7dtBeh9h3xOHvcSv3jEvw3In0ZR0J9uxxzqkP53AFopVepGKodMTk0TCFSgJmc=" . . "2022-09-16T11:48:57.309432"^^ . . . "2.3.0" .