. . . . . "This is the opinion of the representatives of real world evidence (RWE) generation working on describing RWE that participated in the GoFAIR FIP workshop 16th November 2020 - RWE defined as the information derived from analysis of real world data, and the acceptability of this evidence for regulatory decision making in different use cases across the product life (EMA definition)." . "Bayer RWE Generation" . . . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDO4xkU+/dGujq1raR66QtRqquMxiJ9hm2uzc2uBj7bCBBRnWhTw7M8f77BqAFHShgxqxYTr2do7/tVmoKeM51ISyttxWrh9ebZRoz5o6Muxt7HyA4sLHAmnixeZ5VJfZzsKAmVN23Y2ZiCqMoXjtcp5jO2lOC0AXaGPftnaA8b9QIDAQAB" . "xewvgtvtlZBcoqfkY7YPY34kFfOKte4fAwnJ0cZ1MJwi0/j8FRj3sQiX8V4A/L8vro4sydkaaaw70ZPY1uqdlwguVNmQPZZalcGRMyc68WKDC3K10HmWtQvA9DYWAsPdeMjsS/eiOGNOfc8GC4nZ84irAFNOY7cax24qh0uCx+g=" . . "2020-11-16T15:50:05.055+01:00"^^ . . . . . .