. . . . . "number of enemies of invasive species in the invaded range has smaller value than number of enemies of invasive species in the native range" . . . . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDnA5FgUmM9Mx3uUIhTFTGdA9fNVO+AexL03qaWYQ60KOCHjE/XaI+Z74fCyMzXkzsfl5eqTtfi72Gr4Ws6I+Q3dfkV/B4LFbw7N9xphn4qemizfEho8z1Asz/C9octC6X3o+MPpfOgM119YhZAGSMAVY2x+nSw9qVXAnSnBIAXOQIDAQAB" . "Zn7HC920aCGVmAYNb1yxWK1Dgdqul8nbWxDGrsJT976vw8lMEeRE6YTP8b7gLx7tBE6CWRlmLMCEWPjghS8DGnlJxUOtXOSd9bkdo5pfEmkZzbPg0gwn8Z8W5lTNKLEBMeSHiyl0+frcrb8T1xnj0EWyXn9I6y2tywUWTrnCkcY=" . . "2023-06-01T06:50:20.998Z"^^ . . . . . . . . "invasive population - group of organisms spreading outside the native range of their species" . "number of enemies of invasive species in the invaded range - concept in invasion biology" . "number of enemies of invasive species in the native range - concept in invasion biology" .