. . . . . . . "ePIC was founded in 2009 by a consortium of European partners in order to provide PID services for the European Research Community, based on the handle system (TM, https://www.handle.net/ ), for the allocation and resolution of persistent identifiers. The consortium signed a Memorandum of Understanding aiming to provide long term reliability for the PID services. Meanwhile ePIC is an international consortium and open to partners from the research community worldwide." . "Persistent Identifier for eResearch" . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDN/WfXsNOhZdo4p56LL/JhMk5uQB1bLVjR1h6GtzNmKsVk3S+xhbveFeCQYxym7KgF2ulPTfN2ODtTy1IeoWkvBq2FddZyj/TuEkDN+6LbfVyZ58VG0EdIoJ96hiikXUQLF+wgOsIr8n6sPfMlTqdF1QjmffxWCRWlP09U0nw50wIDAQAB" . "Pf9nNzyLMdFzJKtyoftvvqdHOI5GJnC0dG7Vac74hYE3/a60KSODftA/4j6Z9DLLh9ktRa0M5EoXjT9XJBGLiD/cq/ErsqJxZ0vSCYWnsGr+goXoOmgzUVAvyI4C78vdP1vvAYQ2BNMZo1yWTPFRR7v1bJiqLIzh58piqwTsz9Y=" . . "2020-10-05T11:40:15.324+02:00"^^ . . . . . .