. . . . . . . "The Parthenos ontology has been developed within the Parthenos project in order to create a layer of interoperability between RIs which will offer an information model that will allow the integration of records from highly diverse individual RIs into a common view that will a) allow for the exploitation of resources across the participating member RIs in a way that maintains the epistemic validity of those resources and b) create an environment for a sustainable, expanding integration of these resources according to the needs of researchers and RIs." . "Parthenos ontology" . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDGdFAdO5INEINOFSlBg52OJuxpfnfXQs36RkXLLou1zh0zHo6u1cuzatvDUlemO/C/3gIiNyuPhYq2JpWt+UfGxOUaJ4p8timVSGQSf+/5fWxi8BKJIWGVLV9Qy7ElwKMJA3AbX/zdAfNsTWhgaBjUQVNIE3bexaGR/JyDCCA6QwIDAQAB" . "wBlEQD2CCI/mUWaTD2Xd45QI+q724XYkHZfRREWPuEvOmRBYEW4ATdcDlZvuIkI9mWIp64YopYBb+IRPm77O1amV5K9fnOAw8NAQwG0pJEEOdNZZKkhH4P/I4RR3J6lBQ6bd7amUzcO4HYp0lltd9lUetJoYnbWJnRpICI+lJfg=" . . "2020-11-25T12:12:24.227+01:00"^^ . . . . . .