. . . . "has the description - attaches a human-readable description (right) to a formal identifier of a thing (left)" . "Such a nanopublications defines a group to which people can be linked as members." . . "Defining a group of people" . . . . . "Social" . . "a textual description of the group" . . . "short ID of group - this is the identifier of the group" . "https://w3id.org/kpxl/group/terms/" . "the group" . "[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]{3,20}" . . "the ORCID identifier of the member" . "https://orcid.org/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3}[0-9X]" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "is a - links a thing (left) to a class it belongs to (right)" . "has the name - attaches a human-readable name (right) to a formal identifier of a thing (left)" . "group" . "has as member" . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCjDGQCS1S+SRnERDuYDXOugdYUP0efEquHJEEHAbU/uLzBVlga89zqrNPCS7fBE6lArBUWEmT8eLKdMapyqvAzI1J3jUWTMhDJF+XFBkUiuiFfNSc4vJJcmi0yujtnuzXsRIG202jyaP4f5ULoskFwaZOSBZJfiE0dsB3D7DTIAQIDAQAB" . "Rqo5VZY34dyCUg0WrYwKZ3uCgj+0fv2tWeT8tkJAGeiyycaYcgLfbCXsvnwd2g9KX8uJJ7fH8m7u3pTbCmM5zT7RiZIz6u33VvrsrhV5FBft3kS7y6XCkFC6JkeyknrYA+F2pGl2Ms7fzD11FJqDVCpaguxV/uwsgGc8Ct5m+Zc=" . . "2023-06-19T10:03:15.368Z"^^ . . . . . . . . .