. . . . . "etodolac" . . . "osteoarthritis" . . . "arthritis" . . . "rheumatoid arthritis" . . . "pain" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2022-10-11T08:59:54.657020"^^ . . "etodolac is indicated for acute and long-term management of signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as for the management of pain, is a form of treatment. For the pain management, it is also used to treat osteoarritis, arthritis and arthritis patients in the U.S. and around the world. For more information on the treatment, visit http://www.cancer.org/adopt-a-disease/arthritis-arthritis." . "2.3.0" . "RSA" . "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApdULbl+/+pkVlq0fAzWmzfgIb+XMuQPKHMDVzUTWCZBjLfzORll42ptr52e4w7tTYkUKrBsQbx8lkjZWAlWiyh+xIK0oLFSdYRSt63kgiyRYBUOR+spcgmofb7f6JyftArPVTKhsWOMt/mcyNG9qc3lw8B/xuPmLteUWO33xWhfXQreTw1lsGUkZ1j4cB4X9HIuI20ktLYLCXaBauNHEJZ4qp6/Q2ATsJcw8tg7aRmFKXhrjM9maZ2+0cMg0Jpmn2UnDlPKXEA6Qq+qnvvQt8KFjIzP9FTMyvrWl8tTd0NCmS9VpooZJQ8We1lGMPXg5bMbe/bVkTf70fbFMf0RKrQIDAQAB" . "CnQ6XFYkzQIc/GOe4dCaCKIePVN1BPxem/0FdtYCQG27KBZ/ZDpIFv9FeP+Gku7GvWwfL14lWbqO7+IK9pbl5rlxW1iAgHsHnqrwiDl8DM3wInEYTiQVhGelo0GWgPdmRZUg+nklzNbu6zJBpfUW57DinFr0SHQnDq7ATtjA9yvnK/cq1ENpg6T1RafFfpOVknvkBInwYcZxekrf7tHGvOUPv+o80+qBD8erSxVbhv3WhQNZtuhjCYGhJQs5gMtlajpcEKrZXVw/cov/mpSqeowFdJ3TgcGmGL5ReEznWjhuvum3M9M8eDTKH6kye1SOuDe2ECC8OJ3N5TLXvZ32FQ==" . . "2022-10-11T08:59:54.657020"^^ . .