. . . . . "tragedy" . . "Tragedy in plays depicts a protagonist's downfall due to flaws or circumstances, evoking pity and fear, exploring profound themes." . . . "tragedy - event of great loss, usually of human life" . "drama - formal type of literature intended for performance, where the text is written in the form of character lines and the author's remarks and is usually divided into acts and scenes" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCgnClfvsa1UT+9ofHBa7auL55nqlFU5JLXq0hiAXjTqIBwb32vPeq4ctodg1lf0G0Yu97fPo2JGt+rmicnziLkiHdRx7CT4z+Uv4WH/q0/8kkOglW9ax6K+prHhtBV+SiY9FWXGSycUx94g5VjcxELi0zhEy7+eRCUbX24MJCfnQIDAQAB" . "YugtID3vPNec3kIpDYah0z0AQydjZ/o/D5VsBxWbofzly0xbIumVLURAHY7WsRssKCRsRK/7Fb7KUmM+hkoIVwKPJ7GOU95y7+KYHKIliWYXF9/Uv+D6T1Y0wU4ScR5KBz0kBmQXc/DxVurFZjCH7jtfioTCn5qMiVLfEF6MhT4=" . . "2023-10-08T15:51:54.647Z"^^ . . . . . "Class: tragedy" . . . . . .