. . . . . . "instance of - that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)" . "Shakespeare plays on Renaissance stages - scholarly article" . "Romeo and Juliet - tragedy by William Shakespeare" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCgnClfvsa1UT+9ofHBa7auL55nqlFU5JLXq0hiAXjTqIBwb32vPeq4ctodg1lf0G0Yu97fPo2JGt+rmicnziLkiHdRx7CT4z+Uv4WH/q0/8kkOglW9ax6K+prHhtBV+SiY9FWXGSycUx94g5VjcxELi0zhEy7+eRCUbX24MJCfnQIDAQAB" . "IbIl80TZiPK4AOKOSThCFx07RlIBWC0VAKu1W01QFee2Ud7RJe2yxsz+37aBCKEtosiZ1dESRgqa7S/d9zejtWRDsBtuBLAS6Fmmo5/Gs4WXoUowmiK1PWqQzabKv7QJL6+vbx2ue5GCs6XAuDGFCUJTaTfTk/jE3LsFsdSxsBg=" . . "2023-10-08T15:38:14.114Z"^^ . . . . "Romeo and Juliet - instance of - Shakespeare plays on Renaissance stages" . . . . .