. . . . . "changed richness and abundance of enemies in the non-native range increases population-level performance of non-native species" . . . . . . . . . . "population-level performance of non-native species - concept in invasion biology" . "changed richness and abundance of enemies in the non-native range - concept in invasion biology" . "biological invasion - process in which organisms become established in a region where they previously did not exist and then rapidly expand their range" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDnA5FgUmM9Mx3uUIhTFTGdA9fNVO+AexL03qaWYQ60KOCHjE/XaI+Z74fCyMzXkzsfl5eqTtfi72Gr4Ws6I+Q3dfkV/B4LFbw7N9xphn4qemizfEho8z1Asz/C9octC6X3o+MPpfOgM119YhZAGSMAVY2x+nSw9qVXAnSnBIAXOQIDAQAB" . "l5ZcOi8t/XHoggS3TC5mjX4QDK4xAjMikXYm0YTC/bqV3D4iJq8i6flbAortjYlT6Tal6jUkn2gb37KtmXwaA3BkP+D6JaDzLaCNUJg2zw26QTzqBpMbZSKWpW7emjP9/EAHhWgnPFzIcKKPVACWJv9y7xdrNkWPtez0o6MUQRA=" . . "2024-01-11T16:03:18.757Z"^^ . . . . . . . . . .