. . . . "Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add the apple and onion to the melted butter, season with the curry powder, and cook and stir until the apple and onion are tender, 7 to 10 minutes. Stir the mushroom soup and half-and-half into the mixture until completely combined; spoon over the chicken pieces." . . "2020-05-26T16:45:01.899602"^^ . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCoZmUKAHAF0CY2sKahOanR1V8wP62NOw3G0wcVLULWxqXB/gcW25bGPcA5RKoiuhT6dUbfcRXmwLknE29h6KWfKYLtNaqdrHbjSnNC65dNmNxCNp0i6ZLZRh51mxw9IPJHZrDqQ9bcLwm9d1G1fDKasA+h1vrF3Hv1YrQsF9aW1QIDAQAB" . "B670erDV0s0/eKmXU0tPwobQcIH4avuOKBJqjT8XembhyPeUIaKp1WEjOwexlOaArn6zV5DhrL2JqFW87VJTJ3CNAnAVwlfSe1olCtcZvaLfJFyQOLoPZHgAn1QT37mj22RxwIgujDySkp/8kFwQq5tRcBc/cB8ifnZRz6vbimo=" . . "2020-05-26T16:45:01.899602"^^ . .