. . . . . . . "The OGC SensorThings API provides an open, geospatial-enabled and unified way to interconnect the Internet of Things (IoT) devices, data, and applications over the Web. At a high level the OGC SensorThings API provides two main functionalities and each function is handled by a part. The two parts are the Sensing part and the Tasking part. The Sensing part provides a standard way to manage and retrieve observations and metadata from heterogeneous IoT sensor systems. The Tasking part is planned as a future work activity and will be defined in a separate document as the Part II of the SensorThings API" . "OGC-SensorThings" . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCoKFb7LKlXyBB7BUvjFF9bDJNk0WxH3Xerr4H3v/VCiRVshEDl3BZVekbMMmdRe+TOPyc8AOLd9IAL2VfVVD/T0rmCHk7Pw7DQjI96mwyeXhE7f4g0WG5UT5Pxxm0Rzy7IrYnEaaVDs7dkZUt952M6qWlHfTwCQDcXJhZfLiXoMwIDAQAB" . "RdnJ+DAckZKkEGRmAVojZh9TsY7YPh8bwr1Abe++3BiBbSor7GjTj8/4wUexs3c2Sqh6GrxCAP48hI8cZZKtOoy6n0DdPCj7sIGiXkwx3rM9A0Eqm7vnfukYVUvBvRxzyqJg4saoUvtNHjZrsmudV5k0NkGGeBisnxy4uDn0Ax4=" . . "2022-10-24T14:01:46Z"^^ . . . . .