. . . . . . . . . "Prescriptions for five oral SGAs (aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, ziprasidone) were reviewed, and veterans were considered to be users if they received a minimum of one 30-day outpatient prescription for any dose or 3 consecutive days of inpatient administration (continuation at discharge was not required) in the 6 months after the index date." . . . . . . "Elderly" . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCamPJb4SzqpLXn//XJ5dlVfzz6QI+RPmiJTLXF/by2JR7sHMKRsCQDFsYMlq8zGHghOIkjRP9dpLZUtZzUcHt3MXiFKEPo8eGzUe9p+JXKFC8xxkJr94z2vq6IdMf71Iu1GH8SeDAKt/DgYO4zNaw8VuXvxnZRewKZSA+u8zWPVwIDAQAB" . "I/SUZOGZm0FNmOgAZhiz2e+pwFP/iGFRlzRBoRXIswzOdoZZDIDxN9QToaDoHkmPU5jA0+2ab6jlSHCAL57Z8nFQoNkfmEKehwCqTf0GwrdpAJnpY8AIdkWzUDMh/ByiP6da7idKPV1RY7qF9H/T7aYCQtFu08GCY0JjFnB5uBU=" . . "2021-05-26T20:50:40.371+02:00"^^ . . . . .