. . . . . "python" . . "3.7.3.final.0" . . "None" . "image" . . "None" . "out1" . "@is_fairstep(label='Put here a name of your awesome step (include the word awesome so others will find it)')\n# Give it your own name:\ndef my_awesome_step(image): \n from PIL import Image\n new_image1 = image.convert('L')\n new_image2 = contrast_image(new_image1,0.2)\n new_image = Image.blend(image,new_image2, alpha=0.5)\n \n # new_image = ....\n return new_image\n" . . . . . . "Put here a name of your awesome step (include the word awesome so others will find it)" . "2021-06-04T15:23:03.889198"^^ . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCI5YpCFXwcxxKAxiL8FUgIlRcYR6FwuDT4dGtySjJyy9IoUUeqJCqXXJBCUPtei2KzRGIWM2ZeM6/M4EtnWP6I8dkokttc8tOfFhtmnSzEi7SfPNCMf9ZaYPTyCIvxiyLqiuAZX1XE8bsWbIdYtgZx1sngpVLCZMoITU9bpi/3EQIDAQAB" . "N1tixWryn6j3RS6E3wbtpkSsXyer6btpmZ+GxUbZJOGJW4syuIfG/HSE36U9DazsYMxYlDYk9Eds1RrwsSQJpw43AQY/+0IJ7b3rjFWwp8q018f3UBj5w2iPLn37zM8RrgwjBxCAfAO/sjB7pYj0ZEH2JZwRDmBr7+cxkLmwtWU=" . . . "2021-06-04T15:23:03.889198"^^ . .