. . . . . . . . . "However, there are no sleep medications approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and only one has been approved by the European Medicines Agency for pediatric insomnia; thus, most medications are prescribed off-label. Melatonin is widely used and safe in children with neurodevelopmental conditions. Gabapentin, clonidine, trazodone, and mirtazapine hold promise but require further study." . . . . . . "Children" . . . "2021-08-26T10:46:57.899812"^^ . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCamPJb4SzqpLXn//XJ5dlVfzz6QI+RPmiJTLXF/by2JR7sHMKRsCQDFsYMlq8zGHghOIkjRP9dpLZUtZzUcHt3MXiFKEPo8eGzUe9p+JXKFC8xxkJr94z2vq6IdMf71Iu1GH8SeDAKt/DgYO4zNaw8VuXvxnZRewKZSA+u8zWPVwIDAQAB" . "UTPZ2KX2VLVK1Q6vmztPMFus0aYfPud/4Dx3usrQ7hXJVGLxd0G/CsxgOqDbstW0JIuN7eft5gwr0g29Uz4Te6RrXw1htCxKpHHce3Q/L6jUl6Nl+khfxCGPdjuGhUT7QE7+bUkMglQnjziGz+HeUOH3LjNVmhR/Jt9ryXzwY3w=" . . "2021-08-26T10:46:57.899812"^^ . . .