. . . . . "Amantadine" . . . "bipolar depression" . . . . . . "One of the off-label drugs that have an antidepressant effect is amantadine. The molecular mechanism of amantadine’s antidepressant action is not yet fully understood as the drug exerts its pharmacological effects through diverse brain signaling systems such as dopaminergic, noradrenergic, glutamatergic, and opioid systems. \nAll patients treated with amantadine improved their depressive symptoms after 1 week of treatment." . . . . . . . "adults" . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCR9fz0fKCdWOWC+pxhkQhEM/ppbdIYe5TLSdj+lJzSlv9mYBaPgrzVezSwwbmhlHBPDZa4/vHycU315BdmUGq+pXllp9+rWFfrb+kBJwhZjpG6BeyyXBsRFz4jmQVxl/ZYHilQTh/XalYzKkEAyTiEMPee4Kz61PaWOKH24CsnOQIDAQAB" . "gPfvN4Vo/hHAdi6iWdKURUykZyVHUwA5YeAE2f7bWWREyh2g6cqApDyeD55SpC4S1sKj3+Lj2If849dG/vprJoaz/b1Nwttjzmgu4FyAj6FpCQ/DL3/IVH/unLHSrun3TFvDQHzSP92p5SSU4UiNUhUdnZCpa+ft6GX6tCsnBgg=" . . "2022-09-16T11:45:23.013619"^^ . . . "2.3.0" .