. . . . "The FACT EXTRACTOR is a full-fledged Information Extraction NLP pipeline that analyses a natural language textual corpus and generates structured machine-readable assertions. Such assertions are disambiguated by linking text fragments to entity URIs of the target KB, namely DBpedia, and are assigned a confidence score. For instance, given the sentence Buffon plays for Serie A club Juventus since 2001, our system produces the following dataset:\n@prefix dbpedia: .\n@prefix dbpo: .\n@prefix fact: .\n@prefix xsd: .\ndbpedia:Gianluigi_Buffon dbpo:careerStation dbpedia:CareerStation_01 .\ndbpedia:CareerStation_01\n\tdbpo:team dbpedia:Juventus_Football_Club ;\n\tfact:competition dbpedia:Serie_A ;\n\tdbpo:startYear \"2001\"^^xsd:gYear ;\n\tfact:confidence \"0.906549\"^^xsd:float ." . . . . "2019-11-10T18:05:11+01:00"^^ . .