. . . . . "python" . . "3.7.9.final.0" . . "float" . "image" . . "float" . "out1" . "@is_fairstep(label='Put here a name of your awesome step (include the word awesome so others will find it)')\n# Give it your own name:\ndef xiao_func1(image:float) -> float: \n from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont\n chars = \"wow, what a beautiful image!\"\n width, height = image.size\n chars_x, chars_y = int(width/8), int(height/3)\n ttf = ImageFont.load_default()\n img_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)\n img_draw.text((chars_x, chars_y), chars, font=ttf, fill=(255,0,0))\n image.show()\n return img_draw\n" . . . . . . "Put here a name of your awesome step (include the word awesome so others will find it)" . "2021-06-14T15:43:25.273828"^^ . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCv0G5BIY0o0/ONHMQIggW+QXHEUcQJpY0KT8sDouETxw576phhzXtm1MjbuWmBP7kgBlbyhhObr6+/wXbtcuaUlFPupbRtArO/N3C7rhadtd5ZKqyj8Je+ku8vt7DcfR3qBWyNxSGyUrVZaWfM+r1cr6X/CaT6KQqv+D9BWpyKZwIDAQAB" . "KAf8cC8WOEXFD7ams+hlO0+dS1pZMAFQiwDW20s6iNBIX6HVPXKz2eD+rzv6gUV5kqjJuGkMt+fZs4CRe8+IBrsVvJojUIsRGoCBEkp3uVh6lJbGBPDD4MPVJ1zYMnu4p7wDJWI8YwEQW953fXGXhm5On6bkIeJb8onAEMLTmHU=" . . . "2021-06-14T15:43:25.273828"^^ . .