. . . . . "The LifeWatch ERIC Metadata Catalogue actually allows to manually specify the thesaurus/vocabulary to be used for a given field (e.g., keyword, type, etc.) but in the future we plan to use drop-down and autocomplete lists for the semantic annotation of metadata fields and values by using semantic artifacts provided by the EcoPortal platform." . . . . "2020-12-31"^^ . "2020-01-01"^^ . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCoKFb7LKlXyBB7BUvjFF9bDJNk0WxH3Xerr4H3v/VCiRVshEDl3BZVekbMMmdRe+TOPyc8AOLd9IAL2VfVVD/T0rmCHk7Pw7DQjI96mwyeXhE7f4g0WG5UT5Pxxm0Rzy7IrYnEaaVDs7dkZUt952M6qWlHfTwCQDcXJhZfLiXoMwIDAQAB" . "GYgyxCui9pv70N/WoVig6jMZIhVZSvd5gWn0BPs46LFMijqEK/XD/Pcjr2L52/gawnGaJc8ADm+QZNYAudpUBQy11fGg2JmMslCPCzT+lQ5S5cqHs3yGuuCsK/bcVbsLc5p1/PtFFevBpN4XGNWB8V5hzaSy8+ATQwHL0dfBMlc=" . . "2023-04-24T19:49:06Z"^^ . . . .