. . . . "70% ethanol" . "pellet" . "DNA " . "DNA " . "TE" . "tubes" . "After incubation, the tubes were centrifuged at 5000 × g for 10 min at 4°C and the supernatant was gently removed. The pellet is washed two times with 1ml of 70% ethanol and the DNA is pellet by 5000 × g at 4°C for only 5 min. The supernatant is discarded and the pellet is air-dried (10 min). The pellet are allowed to re-suspend in 50 μL of TE (10 mM Tris. HCl pH 8.0; 1 mM EDTA pH 8.0)." . . . . . . . . . "2021-03-10T10:48:12.163485"^^ . . . . . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCEOtYac15zsWN/LAu3q7YFdW0UZNfX3BAarHW/LB1DHGcz0yYr0v7hKGbnCLJ+UkDfu3Mgj7BnCm1s8ulMULKfF4YjqS2YKHYZjNKVaIjSigFOpjOwIx99+qPlvd5CuG+Gia/sJA05jy2bPKLwb/kmVeeX0zORZudWLyRMLXp8UQIDAQAB" . "RMaOJcdPWFjAA8j9YXQcOybXfN55KO5NkbW0ejJC/rED9NtOPEQyGn7HaA2211rSGdL0BVPAlq8abrJbKnTxWBXDDGFHvceyrIhrZbMdM7bDu7pGFHtPmmwdW8cby7aQQQvLVpNrB93Xu7AyagXSkdOl05y3FQsvxlDAgf2USl8=" . . . "2021-03-10T10:48:12.163485"^^ . .