. . . . . "Theophylline" . . . "asthma" . . . "emphysema" . . . "chronic lung disease" . "chronic lung diseases" . . . "chronic asthma" . . . "airflow obstruction" . . . "chronic bronchitis" . . . "chronic diseases" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2022-10-13T13:24:20.435129"^^ . . " Theophylline extended-release tablets are indicated for the treatment of the symptoms and reversible airflow obstruction associated with chronic asthma and other chronic lung diseases, e.g., emphysema and chronic bronchitis. They are indicated to treat the symptoms of chronic asthma, other chronic diseases, such as emphysesma and broncitis, in addition to the symptoms associated with those with chronic lung disease." . "2.3.0" . "RSA" . "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApdULbl+/+pkVlq0fAzWmzfgIb+XMuQPKHMDVzUTWCZBjLfzORll42ptr52e4w7tTYkUKrBsQbx8lkjZWAlWiyh+xIK0oLFSdYRSt63kgiyRYBUOR+spcgmofb7f6JyftArPVTKhsWOMt/mcyNG9qc3lw8B/xuPmLteUWO33xWhfXQreTw1lsGUkZ1j4cB4X9HIuI20ktLYLCXaBauNHEJZ4qp6/Q2ATsJcw8tg7aRmFKXhrjM9maZ2+0cMg0Jpmn2UnDlPKXEA6Qq+qnvvQt8KFjIzP9FTMyvrWl8tTd0NCmS9VpooZJQ8We1lGMPXg5bMbe/bVkTf70fbFMf0RKrQIDAQAB" . "FZNTU9EgUe8EqmnQd7juVvhHY6t3aMzZsE556XKPWFn/Jl6JOZoDjwbL0yEfW/bENLgipTiPHFxDCWG+DzfiJr/snADC89TqCL5EV56+Bw9/sdGOISd9Lg5NseYBlrCdOp0vounBlhASbommzeTpmneO7xPcgq7GAEcLS0IGYsZGJu9G0n5k4DPY//xmERcrv2EAF6iV+WWzpFwy2UB0WC9Vwtl8FOqEmODQzsIMFeqcPvASvamCvfyvRETYGZytcZOnHzMQc5x1mLrPMX1rmyw+/L4I8i8+ZfgG2WOVQncjdjapRXIxOcYAlcpP2NAjKUeuH97zROrtJO9VZnXgVQ==" . . "2022-10-13T13:24:20.435129"^^ . .