. . . . . . . "To enable modeling groups and others who support CMIP6 to demonstrate its impact (and secure ongoing funding), it is required to cite and acknowledge those who have made CMIP6 possible. You also must abide by any licensing restrictions. The licensing agreements governing CMIP6 data depend on the model but generally conform to a standard template." . "CMIP6: Terms of Use" . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCoKFb7LKlXyBB7BUvjFF9bDJNk0WxH3Xerr4H3v/VCiRVshEDl3BZVekbMMmdRe+TOPyc8AOLd9IAL2VfVVD/T0rmCHk7Pw7DQjI96mwyeXhE7f4g0WG5UT5Pxxm0Rzy7IrYnEaaVDs7dkZUt952M6qWlHfTwCQDcXJhZfLiXoMwIDAQAB" . "dyoJef4a4C0MfrAdLPg/DufZwLgnLveLvnjZ+n68DvJRI9hNymp5tXRQVhr08ZeG7D6r9IZyfa/22cSjV42xNAN108gokghPPUKXxriSa7bjdH3RVLC2tRFWRg9hsoN/s4pomOa5XlbeE56oCCKvoqC8GS2TrHgGoY2U3am8jFE=" . . "2022-09-06T13:31:00Z"^^ . . . . .